Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The poet John Agard Essay Example For Students

The poet John Agard Essay Study the way in which Half-caste and Nothings changed display their attitudes towards racism The poem Half caste is written by the poet John Agard, who was born in South America, with parents from mixed nationalities. The poem Nothings changed is by Tatamkhulu Afrika who was raised as a white South African. The poems half caste and nothings changed have the same theme to both of the poems, and that theme is racism. In the poem nothings changed the poem is about a black man who grew up in an all black, white segregated area, he despised the segregation in this society, and he comes back to this place expecting to see that the area has changed and there is no longer any segregation, but is shocked to see that racism (segregation) still exists in the area. The poem half caste is about a half caste man speaking to an audience and debating the idea of half caste. In both poems the person in the poem despises racism; both people have suffered from racism. We will write a custom essay on The poet John Agard specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In the poem half caste the man uses a conversational and chatty tone excuse me, standing on one leg, Im half-caste he uses humour to get through to the audience but still it sends the message to them that he hates the idea of racism, and the humour of this quotation also shows that the idea of half-caste is laughable. He does not rant on about his argument but puts into a simple way for everyone to understand, very much like the famous Martin Luther king Jr with his speech I have a dream . His (John Agards poem) tone and words are very comical and carry hints of sarcasm (and sometimes more than just a hint). He uses sentences like this very often explain yuself, wha ya mean, when yu say half-caste, the tone in this quotation is straightforward, harsh, and very sarcastic. The poem nothings changed carries many similarities with the poem half caste, Afrika uses a very harsh tone just as half caste uses a harsh tone. Into trouser cuffs, cans trodden on, crunch. This shows the hateful tone Afrika uses. Afrika uses one syllable words cuffs, cans, crunch this makes the tone snappy and hard hitting, this shows that he is angry and is expressing his anger through the tone, while using mono-syllabic words to show this. The poem nothings changed has no references of rhyme to it; consequently it is free verse which means that the poem has no rhyme to it. Free verse gives the effect that the poem is slightly like a story. The point of this is to make the reader seem as if you are following the person in the poem.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Tips For Writing a Research Methodology Essay Sample

Tips For Writing a Research Methodology Essay SampleIf you want to create a unique essay for your AP Biology, chemistry, or other course, then you may consider using a research methodology essay sample. However, just as the guidelines for writing an essay are not the same for every individual student, so too are the guidelines for essay writing for research samples.As with any type of essay, a research paper must be written from the heart and of the thinker. The intent of the essay must not be disguised. The writer must write in the voice of the researcher. The research methodology must be clear and unambiguous.A research methodology is most effectively used in the introduction. The essay must introduce the author's primary point and outline the facts that support it. This is the area where students typically make the most mistakes. Therefore, the introduction must be done right.The facts should be clearly stated, and they should be given due diligence in order to ensure that they ar e true. The tone must be the same as that used in the body of the essay. The author must be clear and present the facts accurately.Of course, when trying to describe the method of testing used, the method of measurement used must be clearly defined. An essay sample will provide the author with specific details regarding what was done in the study, including the data collected, the time period covered, and the key results.It is necessary to think of a research essay as public relations work. In order to succeed, the author must convince readers that the research project was conducted correctly. While all essays contain an agenda, this must be read in the context of the research piece and explained in detail.In addition to research methodology tips, the essay sample can also provide the author with ideas about how to structure the essay. In the introduction and conclusion, it should be possible to link the reader to the article. This will help the reader keep the information current, and it will keep the reader interested in the whole article.Research methodology is important, and the essay sample will help the author make the best choices. The research methodology must be presented correctly, and there are many ways to do it.